This TE SIG has remarked that in some instances, teacher education is isolated from schools. Schools are in a network and there needs to be enough months/time training all across the globe. Institutions of teacher trainings need to sustain a smooth and working relationship with principals of schools, so that when the actual immersions of aspiring teachers are needed, processes of training, linkages and evaluation are effectively implemented. Continuous training must be fluid and varied to ensure the teachers sustain motivations that have real bearing on the actual classroom situations. They recommended for the formulation of a system of supervision towards “Kaizen” continuous improvement and teacher quality review. Similarly, the quality of teachers depends on how well they had been trained, supervised, and evaluated for utmost improvement, gaining confidence in both theory and praxis before they are sent to teach. Valuable and effective pedagogy of teacher education was raised in which theory and practices are linked operatively. There are standards of supervision and guidance that must be abided by the trainers on the teachers for improvement of teaching-learning conditions. Training should also integrate dismantling issues of bias, and make it student centric. Reflective practices post teaching should be a part of teaching. The teachers must be trained to do post teaching reflections since each class is different from one another, taking notes on the peculiar experiences of students in each class. This SIG has reiterated that reflective practices post teaching should be a part of teaching. For some countries, one recommendation they had was a provision for lateral entry into teaching from other fields of study. This concern was raised by countries that have not put this in place yet. Lastly, providers of teacher teaching must be creative to look and allocate funds aimed at a more focused development program for cross-cultural exchange to take place within the country and across the globe as learners and listeners. To establish and further strengthen the relationship between parents and educators in the holistic formation of the child, there needs to be a strong school-home collaboration and partnership. Above all, early childhood educators are global citizens, role models, who committed to espouse the values of love, diversity, peace, respect and equality.