SIG on Humanistic Education (HE)

A remarkable sharing for this SIG is what they shared in their preamble. The recognition that a need exists to understand the foundational identity of global citizenship education programs. Their concern for humanistic education for all learners in the world is based on the knowledge that existing curriculum and instructional systems place much emphasis on content learning and teaching without consideration for the whole learner or learning conditions. 
The HE SIG encourages WCCI members, partners and collaborators to focus on the convergence of learner-centered pedagogy, interconnected communities of learning and holistic pedagogy to maximize educational and human potential. The aim is to encourage support for equitable access to compassionate, creative, ethical and global learning opportunities. Providing such interconnected pedagogy will empower learners to develop their full potential through cognitive, affective, psychomotor, intuitive domains thereby addressing needs of the whole learner.
They believe the possibility for self-learning is critical to ensure learners become engaged and caring global citizens with the ability to engage in diverse thinking and learning communities, which values differences and creativity through an interconnected learning culture premised on holistic humanistic learning principles They believe such interconnected communities of learners will provide opportunities to foster and nurture cooperation, compassion where learners and teachers understand and value the importance of relationship building that shows respect for all life.